August F. Köhr K565C Cello
August F. Köhr K565C Cello
The texture of the rich, buttery varnish summons the player to draw the instrument closer for a thorough inspection. As delightful as the craftsmanship and overall appearance prove to be, with skillful bowing and agile left hand, the K565C cello truly comes to life. From the same workshop as the K515C, the K565C model kicks everything into a higher gear, from its select, aged tonewoods to the extra detail in the arching and graduation. The bold coloration and shading of the varnish is given extra dimension with its sophisticated texture.
- Ebony Parisian eye pegs and endbutton
- Despiau “C” level French bridge.
- Glasser tailpiece with integrated tuners.
- D’Addario Kaplan strings.
- 4/4 only.